J&S Oddjobs Comic Blog

Blog for online comic strip "J & S Oddjobs."

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Okay, I'm still calming down from school, just moved in to my new apartment, and some @$$#%*& swipes my bicycle. So I'm a bit depressed. And a lot *!$$&% off.

Hopefully I can get some relaxation in soon. Comic will be back Monday. Bah, I should stop promising. But when it comes back, it's staying back.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Make that Monday

Monday. Comic Restarts Next Monday.

Basically, I'm still burned out from school and still don't care about drawing. But seeing as how I don't have anything to do short of my job that I only work two days this week for, that is swiftly changing. Currently my mind is buzzing arround long range plans, so it won't be long before I'm mad at myself enough to start working on this. Oh, and I still have to move into my new apartment. That too.