J&S Oddjobs Comic Blog

Blog for online comic strip "J & S Oddjobs."

Monday, April 04, 2011

Hey, look

It's only been almost four years since I posted saying the comic would restart in a month. I think I'm about to set a record for longest absenteeism before resuming in the history of webcomics. But I actually do have plans to restart. I'm not going to put up any dates, for fear of jinxing myself, but it should be within a few months. I'm working on a few projects to better get myself used to doing work. Then I'll build myself a good backlog, and get things started. I've already got a good start on the backlog, too. So, yes, I haven't forgoten about this thing, and I intend to make it up. Actually, I hope to run two comics a day, if possible, to make up for the long hiatus.


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