J&S Oddjobs Comic Blog

Blog for online comic strip "J & S Oddjobs."

Monday, February 27, 2006

Site is feeling better

Okay, I have the archives fully redone. Now I'm working on the cast page.

I have redone pages for Josh, Serenia, Zee, Lisa, and the "&" Monster (which is now officially named Ted (What, they can't exactly go on calling it the "&" monster, can they? (well, granted Serenia calls Josh "Human" but that's beside the point)).). Anyway, they're fairly sparse now, I'll try and flesh them out as time goes on, adding funny stuff, I'm toying with the idea of bonus comics (though I have to get comfortable updating the regular ones first), stuff like that. After this arc ends I will add pages for the Lady in Blue, Pres. Harrison, and the cat creature whose name I'm witholding for no reason other than because I want to.

Ah well, its my bed time.


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